Maria Sharapova goes down to seventeen year old American Melanie Oudin


Seventeen year old American rising tennis sensation, Melanie Oudin, ousted media darling and reigning tennis glamor queen, Maria Sharapova, from the 2009 US Open Tennis Champships. Cheered on by the excited crowd Oudin forced a third set after taking the second set from Sharapova who won the first 6 games to 4.
In her post match interview Sharapova was asked if she agrees with Jelana Jankovic’s assesent that Oudin doesn’t have many weapons and isn’t very impressive though she’s beating top-ranked players. Sharapova called Jankovic’s remarks shocking and said of Oudin’s play:

"I thought she played really well. I thought she has many weapons. You know, she certainly held her ground. I mean, you know, I still feel like I had my chances, even though it wasn’t my best day. You know, when you let those chances go, it’s just frustrating. But, I mean, got to hand it to her. She really stuck to her game plan. She played solid. She made me hit a lot of balls. She moved really well around the court, yeah."

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