Juliana Martins Hot Sexy Pictures from Bikini Video Gallery

Juliana Martins was born in 1984, in the town of Jos Bonifcio, Brazil. Although she always dreamed of being a model, she decided that modeling was out of her reach when she was just 10 years old. But a few years later, at age 12, an opportunity presented itself: she was considered for a commercial campaign. Although she didn't get the job, the opportunity gave her the confidence she needed to enter the Elite Model Look Contest in 1997, in which she became a finalist.

Why Juliana Martins is not well-known worldwide is a mystery. She has worked with Sports Illustrated and Marie Clare. Her stats: 34-23-35 and height: 5 feet 9 1/2 inches

Juliana Martins Model Hot and Sexy Bikini Video Gallery Pictures :

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